Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free sample - Attracting Students to NOVA Southeastern University. translation missing

Attracting Students to NOVA Southeastern University. Attracting Students to NOVA Southeastern UniversityTertiary institutions such as colleges and universities need a constant supply of students in order to meet their financial needs in not only their daily running costs but also to meet costs incurred in research. Nova Southeastern University, a private, non-profit making university, is no exception. It has endeavored to create a sustainable environment for learning which is further supported by a vibrant on-campus life which is vital to students in choosing the institution of higher learning in which to study in. This essay therefore, explores ways in which Nova Southeastern University can attract more students in order to facilitate smoother running in its activities. The overall need for Nova Southeastern University is to encourage students to study the various courses offered in the instituition and make a career out of it. There is hence a need for the institution to communicate its discovery of the various fields and the deep level of satisfaction enjoyed in pursuance of these courses. The institution needs to phrase from a point of view as to: What attracted this particular student to that specific course? What other fields did the student consider, and why did the student not any choose them? These disciplines need to be presented individually on a basis of their worthwhile, attractive, diverse, challenging and readily on hand career opportunities which is the vital endpoint that students are mainly interested in. The motivation criteria should not be based on academic self-interest but rather on their personal and professional fulfillment. The students need to envision themselves as successful in their careers after graduating. This will gr eatly compliment all enthusiastic efforts at encouraging the students to enroll at the university. In addition, the efforts put in place should also be persistent, patient and realistic. This is since it takes a considerable amount of time to build a critical student mass that shall enroll in the diverse courses offered in the university. It is important to encourage students to join Nova Southeastern University as early as in high school and pre-college. Generally, the university’s employees should act as ambassadors wherever they are. Quick, informative and well-thought out responses in answer to any impromptu questions should be formulated before-hand since the employee may be talking to a potential student. Mainly, careers in Mathematics and Statistics are neglected by students under the perception that they are difficult. Most students are not aware of courses such as Applied Statistics and Physics as a career option. Therefore, presentations should be made to high school students during promotion campaigns. During those visits, those responsible for the awareness program should arrange to meet with guidance counselors or better, invite them to the sessions. Further, support should be accorded to the admissions offices by meeting, calling or writing to prospective students and their parents. Ongoing studen ts can also make presentations at each department’s office preview or open house days. By doing so, they are viewed as diplomats or ambassadors advocating these courses. In addition, the ongoing students can offer campus tour guides for those students who envision joining the university. The university’s alumni can come in handy in displaying Nova Southeastern university as a prestigious institution of which they are proud to be associated with. Various workshops can be very vital in ensuring presentations communicate the intended purpose such as a Quantitative Literacy workshop. The other vital focal point is during the Welcome Week. Most students either change courses or permanently leave the university during this week. Therefore, several changes need to be implemented in order to reverse this trend. Lecturers should be careful when issuing their preliminary promotional remarks so as not to either scare students away or impart an impression that they are in for a rough time and under pressure. In the welcome week, the facilitator should avoid all stereotypical examples that make fun of the discipline and create the impression of drudgery. Each department should have a well written overview of the course. During orientation week, an introduction seminar should be held whereby the essence of studying each particular course is insisted upon. A real-life research project can be presented so as to demonstrate the applicability of that particular field of study in a real case scenario. However, caution must be taken as to the depth of the details since they enta il a complex methodology which might end up building a lasting negative impression. During the second year, students should be encouraged to take up introductory courses rather than in the first year in order to avoid confusion and a feeling of being overloaded. All introductory courses should be taught by the experts in that particular faculty rather than outsourcing from other departments in related and common courses. Preferably, the lecturers should have ample consulting experience gained either as faculty member or full-time consultant in the required field. This is since practitioners not only bring more relevance in the field of study but also express more enthusiasm in teaching. The university should also ensure various departments inter-collaborate so as to look for opportunities both inside and outside the institution. Emphasis should be placed on multidiscipline interaction coupled with strong interpersonal and communication skills. During the registration advisement period, personal contact should be made with the students who had performed best and encourage them to take up the course and additional courses in the semester. The departmental head should solicit support from fellow colleagues in the preparation of information sheets that indicate on the course prerequisites, the semester sequencing and current offerings in the field. Continuous encouragement and support for students till graduation should be availed so as not to end up with a situation whereby the number of those enrolling is higher but with a minimal corresponding number of grandaunts. There are various other vital points in not only enrolling but maintaining a stable number of students in the university. Chief among this is mentorship. An initiative should be taken to contact students regularly so as to offer encouragement and advice as they continue to work towards graduating in these courses. The mentor should be available and approachable informally so as to boost self-confidence and the belief in oneself. Further, the mentor can involve the students in his or her personal research and consultancy. Secondly, it is vital to conduct surveys through interviews on grandaunts. Establish why they chose that career path and ask for their view on what would attract more students into that career path. This can be extended to a similar survey conducted in students already practicing in that field. Have them analyze the measures that have been put into place and let them point out the strengths and weaknesses of the same. Thirdly, publish success story of the successful alumni in each field and avail them in the student’s library and departmental websites. Finally, it is important to incorporate technology. The university should embrace e-learning which ensures students can study at the comfort of their homes and which shall also further its distance education program. If Nova Southeastern University shall continue to thrive and expand its student base in the face of stiff competition, there as a need to implement the aforementioned changes as rapidly as possible. Although most of these changes will take time, in the long-run, the benefits acquired will far outmatch the physical and financial effort put in the implementation of these strategies.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mexican Revolution Battle of Veracruz

Mexican Revolution Battle of Veracruz Occupation of Veracruz - Conflict Dates: The Occupation of Veracruz lasted from April 21 to November 23, 1914, and occurred during the Mexican Revolution. Forces Commanders Americans Rear Admiral Frank Friday Fletcher757 rising to 3,948 men (during the fighting) Mexicans General Gustavo MaassCommodore Manuel Azuetaunknown Occupation of Veracruz -  The Tampico Affair: Early 1914 found Mexico in the midst of civil war as rebel forces led by Venustiano Carranza and Pancho Villa battled to overthrow usurper General Victoriano Huerta. Unwilling to recognized Huertas regime, US President Woodrow Wilson recalled the American ambassador from Mexico City. Not wishing to directly intervene in the fighting, Wilson instructed American warships to concentrate off the ports of Tampico and Veracruz to protect US interests and property. On April 9, 1914, an unarmed whaleboat from the gunboat USS Dolphin landed at Tampico to pick up drummed gasoline from a German merchant. Coming ashore, the American sailors were detained by Huertas federalist troops and taken to the military headquarters. The local commander, Colonel Ramon Hinojosa recognized his mens error and had the Americans returned to their boat. The military governor, General Ignacio Zaragoza contacted the American consul and apologized for the incident and asked that his regrets be conveyed to Rear Admiral Henry T. Mayo offshore. Learning of the incident, Mayo demanded an official apology and that the American flag be raised and saluted in the city. Occupation of Veracruz -  Moving to Military Action: Lacking the authority to grant Mayos demands, Zaragoza forwarded them to Huerta. While he was willing to issue the apology, he refused to raise and salute the American flag as Wilson had not recognized his government. Declaring that the salute will be fired, Wilson gave Huerta until 6:00 PM on April 19 to comply and began moving additional naval units to the Mexican coast. With the passage of the deadline, Wilson addressed Congress on April 20 and detailed a series of incidents that demonstrated the Mexican governments contempt for the United States. In speaking to Congress, he asked for permission to use military action if necessary and stated that in any action there be no thought of aggression or selfish aggrandizement only efforts to maintain the dignity and authority of the United States. While a joint resolution quickly passed in the House, it stalled in the Senate where some senators called for harsher measures. While debate continued, the US State Department was tracking the Hamburg-American liner SS Ypiranga which was steaming towards Veracruz with a cargo of small arms for Huertas army. Occupation of Veracruz  -Taking Veracruz: Desiring to prevent the arms from reaching Huerta, the decision was made to occupy the port of Veracruz. As not to antagonize the German Empire, US forces would not land until the cargo had been off-loaded from Ypiranga. Though Wilson wished have the Senates approval, an urgent cable from US Consul William Canada at Veracruz early on April 21 which informed him of the liners imminent arrival. With this news, Wilson instructed Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels to take Veracruz at once. This message was relayed to Rear Admiral Frank Friday Fletcher who commanded the squadron off the port. Possessing the battleships USS and USS  Utah and the transport USS Prairie which carried 350 Marines, Fletcher received his orders at 8:00 AM on April 21. Due to weather considerations, he immediately moved forward and asked Canada to inform the local Mexican commander, General Gustavo Maass, that his men would be taking control of the waterfront. Canada complied and asked Maass not to resist. Under orders not to surrender, Maass began mobilizing the 600 men of the 18th and 19th Infantry Battalions, as well as the midshipmen at the Mexican Naval Academy. He also began arming civilian volunteers. Around 10:50 AM, the Americans began landing under the command of Captain William Rush of Florida. The initial force consisted of around 500 Marines and 300 sailors from the battleships landing parties. Meeting no resistance, the Americans landed at Pier 4 and moved towards their objectives. The bluejackets advanced to take the customs house, post and telegraph offices, and railroad terminal while the Marines were to capture the rail yard, the cable office, and the powerplant. Establishing his headquarters in the Terminal Hotel, Rush sent a semaphore unit to the room to open communications with Fletcher. While Maass began advancing his men towards the waterfront, the midshipmen at the Naval Academy worked to fortify the building. Fighting began when a local policeman, Aurelio Monffort, fired on the Americans. Killed by return fire, Monfforts action led to widespread, disorganized fighting. Believing that a large force was in the city, Rush signaled for reinforcements and Utahs landing party and Marines were sent ashore. Wishing to avoid further bloodshed, Fletcher asked Canada to arrange a ceasefire with the Mexican authorities. This effort failed when no Mexican leaders could be found. Concerned about sustaining additional casualties by advancing into the city, Fletcher ordered Rush to hold his position and remain on the defensive through the night. During the night of April 21/22 additional American warships arrived bringing reinforcements. It was also during this time, that Fletcher concluded that the entire city would need to be occupied. Additional Marines and sailors began landing around 4:00 AM, and at 8:30 AM Rush resumed his advance with ships in the harbor providing gunfire support. Attacking near the Avenue Independencia, the Marines methodically worked from building to building eliminating Mexican resistance. On their left, the 2nd Seaman Regiment, led by USS New Hampshires Captain E.A. Anderson, pressed up the Calle Francisco Canal. Told that his line of advance had been cleared of snipers, Anderson did not send out scouts and marched his men in parade ground formation. Encountering heavy Mexican fire, Andersons men took losses and were forced to fall back. Supported by the fleets guns, Anderson resumed his attack and took the Naval Academy and Artillery Barracks. Additional American forces arrived through the morning and by noon much of the city had been taken. Occupation of Veracruz - Holding the City: In the fighting, 19 Americans were killed 72 wounded. Mexican losses were around 152-172 killed and 195-250 wounded. Minor sniping incidents continued until April 24 when, after the local authorities refused to cooperate, Fletcher declared martial law. On April 30, the US Army 5th Reinforced Brigade under Brigadier General Frederick Funston arrived and took over the occupation of the city. While many of the Marines remained, the naval units returned to their ships. While some in the United States called for a full invasion of Mexico, Wilson limited American involvement to the occupation Veracruz. Battling rebel forces, Huerta was not able to oppose it militarily. Following Huertas downfall in July, discussions began with the new Carranza government. American forces remained in Veracruz for seven months and finally departed on November 23 after the ABC Powers Conference mediated many of the issues between the two nations. Selected Sources National Archives: The United States Armed Forces and the Mexican Punitive ExpeditionDavis, Thomas (2007). With No Thought of Aggression Military History Quarterly. 20(1), 34-43.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Major Theoretical Logic in Global Marketing Essay

Major Theoretical Logic in Global Marketing - Essay Example There is a major gap in our understanding of the types of internal organizational resources that are conducive to implementing a global marketing strategy and that can lead to sustainable competitive advantages in the global market. A major issue that needs to be investigated is what organizational processes that successful global competitors adapt to influence its foreign subsidiaries so that they can achieve global marketing standardization, coordination, and integration (Samiee and Kendall, 1992). Potential organizational processes may range from suggestion, inducement, request, to the direction (Bartlett and Ghoshal 1992). It should be interesting to know which process is more effective and, perhaps more importantly, under what conditions a particular process may be effective for implementing a global marketing strategy. Researchers need to properly conceptualize various organization processes, define their relationships to global marketing strategy implementation, and design emp irical studies to test such relationships. Another major issue involves the organizational structures that are conducive to global marketing strategy implementation (Appelbaum et al, 1998). While centralization vs. decentralization and product division vs. geographical division has received some discussion in the literature, other dimensions of organizational structure have not been investigated adequately. For example, how a firm's decision to enter into international joint ventures (or any other modes of foreign market entry) affects its ability to implement a global marketing strategy, and how various knowledge management systems relate to a firm's ability to implement a global marketing strategy are among important issues to be researched (Bellamy and Graham, 1987). Still another major issue in global marketing is the type of organizational cultures that facilitate global marketing strategy implementation (Beyers and Lindahl, 1999). Perhaps the strength of the organization cultu re is an important variable, or the content of the organization culture is more relevant. Researchers need to develop sound classification schemes for organization cultures and link them to a firm's ability to implement a global marketing strategy. Empirical research in this area is particularly scarce. In addition to the aforementioned issues that relate to a firm's internal organizational resources, research is also needed to identify various industry globalization drivers and the specific mechanisms through which a global marketing strategy can lead to competitive advantages for a firm. With quality research in these areas, a complete theory of global marketing strategy can be expected in the future. Culture is an important factor in the understanding organization because for any organization to operate effectively it must to some extent have a general set of beliefs and assumptions.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Steve McCurry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Steve McCurry - Essay Example â€Å"Otherizing† is a unique feature of photography, which can be defined as conveying some meaning to the viewer along with the photograph so that the viewer interpret the picture in a certain way. In fact, this is what happens when a viewer sees something that they cannot actually relate to. The artists who are effective in otherizing manage to convey the feeling with minimal effort and the communication takes place in a vey subtle way though the overall effect is rather large. One of such photographers is Steve McCurry who is well known for his dramatic pictures. His most famous photograph is the Afghan Girl (1984). McCurry is a photographer of armed conflicts including the Iran-Iraq war, Lebanon Civil War, the Cambodian Civil War, the Islamic Insurgency in the Philippines, the Gulf war, the Afghan War and so on and on. Throughout his photography career, he focused on the consequences of war on human life, and the specialty of his work is that the effects are not in the la ndscape, not in the dress, but simply in the face and eyes of human face. A close analysis of the works by McCurry reveals that many of the works by McCurry proves that he is trying to otherize the subjects, and this otherization comes as a result of the traits of colonialism and the concept of supremacy of the West which remain in both the conscious and unconscious of the photographer. The West always had a curiosity towards the Oriental Other, and this tendency is clearly seen in the works of McCurry. The pictures to be analyzed here are the Afghan Girl (1985; 2002). The first picture was shot in an informal school in a refugee camp. The photograph shows a girl in red burqua with the backdrop of a green building. Her face is somewhat youthful, but her eyes are wide open, fearful, doubtful, and green in color. A look into the eyes of the Afghan girl reveals a lot of things to the viewer. First of all, the problems suffered by the girl in her life are evident in her watchful, vigila nt and untrusting eyes. McCurry makes sure that the youth and innocence of the girl well-contrasts with the fear in the girl’s eyes. One can see that McCurry has selected a green building as the backdrop of the picture. Coincidently, or intentionally, the green color of the backdrop is seen in the girl’s eyes too. In addition, the green background is combined with the green burqua worn by the girl, thus attracting the viewer to the eyes as they seem to pop. Furthermore, the picture is taken in a low light setting so that the face and eyes receive more attention. Though the wrinkles and burns of the burqua are hidden, the overall effect is a revelation in concealment. A close analysis of the picture reveals that the girl does not look like a thirteen year old girl, and the main reason behind the over-aging is the fear in her eyes. One can see that this fear is again supplemented by the defiance evident in her eyes. In order to understand how the great artist is not free from the sin of otherizing, one should look at the other photograph as well. Now, it is necessary to turn to the second picture of the same girl McCurry took after seventeen years (2002). This time, the artist visited the place again and met the girl. By this time, she was between 28 and 30, and with her husband’s permission, he took the second photograph of the Afghan girl. The first point visible in the second photograph is the lifelessness in her eyes. Though fearful, the first photo is filled with a lot of life, but in the second photo, there is no energy in the eye, and it has lost its glitter. In addition, the artist uses the technique of using dark colors instead of the green and red in the first one. Though

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Loyalty and Rome Essay Example for Free

Loyalty and Rome Essay The Roman Empire lasted so long due to various things. These include the establishment of a hierarchical government that enabled a system of checks and balances, the implementation of laws and taxes, a strong army, creation of institutions, and many different privileges and incentives for not only the people of Rome, but also those who were conquered and wished to become Roman. Amongst these things, there was an underlying commonality: loyalty. With loyalty came many personal relationships. A loyal government, a loyal army, and loyal people equates to a great empire. When that loyalty disappears, the effects can be disasterousl. Julius Caesar one of Rome’s most notable emperors depended heavily on loyalty and personal relationships. Within Caesars War Commentaries Julius Caesar describes how his personal relationships with people within and outside played a major role within the empire and influenced many of his decisions. From â€Å"Caesar’s War Commentaries† it is clear to see that he was a very practical emperor and planned his every move carefully with a great deal of consultation. To quickly summarize, in this particular excerpt, Caesar needs to feed the army in time, but food is being held away and people within and outside the empire are resisting to aid as they would usually do. He calls a meeting and to his surprise it is revealed that someone close to him and the government has been opposing him. Being the kind of Emperor Caesar is, he made the wise decision to privately question Liscus about what he had just informed him. Liscus of course is someone close to him and that he trusts. He discovers it is Dumnorix, brother of Divitiacus. Caesar wrote about his relationship with Divitiaus. He wrote â€Å"I had come to realize the very high regard which his brother Divitiacus entertained for Rome and his personal devotion to me. He was a man of unswerving loyalty.† Caesar worried that â€Å"there was a possibility that the execution of his brother might alienate his goodwill.† Being that they were close, Caesar goes to him personally and gives him options to choose from concerning the actions to take against his brother. Divitiacus, when expressing his apologies asked for nothing to happen to him. Because of Caesar’s â€Å"high regard for him his prayer should be granted and the insult to Rome as well as my personal grievance forgiven.† If it were not for the personal relationship that Caesar with Divitiacus, and the loyalty that Divitiacus had for Rome and Caesar, surely the situation would have played out differently. Other situations to point out within this excerpt, is that with Domnorix trying to rise to power, the people who were loyal to Caesar and trusted him, were now going against him. Not only was loyalty lost, but also respect and a sense of power for the Romans. Caesar’s excerpt can be used as an example as to what can happen, when these relationships are tarnished. This is why the Romans, while conquering and expanded made sure to secure loyalty. The loyalty was secured in many different ways, which included the system of checks and balances, institutions within the Roman and non-Roman cities, and privileges for its people. To conclude, Rome as an Empire valued the loyalty and the personal relations acquired. Julius Caesar one of Rome’s notable emperors used this as he ruled and this is seen in â€Å"Caesar’s War Commentaries.†

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing In Our World and the World of The Giver Essay -- Comparison

Parallels In Our World and the World of The Giver   Ã‚  Ã‚   The story in The Giver by Lois Lowry takes place in a community that is not normal. People cannot see color, it is an offense for somebody to touch others, and the community assigns people jobs and children. This unnamed community shown through Jonas’ eye, the main character in this novel, is a perfect society. There is no war, crime, and hunger. Most readers might take it for granted that the community in The Giver differs from the real society. However, there are several affinities between the society in present day and that in this fiction: estrangement of elderly people, suffering of surrogate mothers, and wanting of euthanasia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first similarity is that elderly people are left out of the society. In the novel, the elderly cannot have a family. They live in the House of the Old because they are separated from the society. All the people are getting older and weaker without exception, so it is hard for them to live without family. Nonetheless, the society isolates the elderly. â€Å"The Old were sitting quietly, some visiting and talking with one another, others doing handwork and simple crafts. A few were asleep† (p. 28). Likewise, in the modern society, elderly people are lonely. Some avoid taking care of their parents suffering from disease like Alzheimer. The elderly are apt to be easily depressed, and this depression can be triggered by the deaths of their spouses, relatives, and friends or by financial worries. Therefore, old people need constant care and their family’s affection. However, due to hectic lifestyle of current society, many elderly peop le live alone or in care center without their family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another similarity can be found in th... ...relief, even if the amount required compromises respiration and leads to death? Most health care providers say no, because the goals in each are different. In the first situation, the goal is death; in the second, the goal is relief from suffering (Salladay, p. 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Giver provides a chance that readers can compare the real world with the society described in this book through some words, such as release, Birthmothers, and so on. Therefore, readers could be able to see what is happening right now in the real society in which they live by reading her fiction. The author, Lowry, might build the real world in this fiction by her unique point of view. Work Cited Salladay, S.A. (2000, November). Is it euthanasia? Nursing [online], 8 paragraphs. Available:†¦&Sid=3&Idx=31&Deli=1&RQT=309&Dtp=1 [2001, February 11].

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Financial Development In 1985 Essay

In 1985, the interest rates were lower and more stable than in other years. 1978 experienced lowest short-term interest rates while long-term interest rate declined to a rate that has never been seen since 1980. The real interest rates- nominal rates adjusted for inflation- were also lower in 1985 than other years though going by historical standards, they remained very high. From January to early march, both short-term rates and long-term rates rose moderately by yearly highs. This is partly because of the strong demand for business credit and the ending of a period during which the Federal Reserve eased the pressure on banks on their reserve positions. Interest rate declined by April and June. The factors behind interest rate ________________________________ 5. Douglas A. Irwin & Joseph H. Davis. â€Å"Trade Disruptions and America’s Early Industrialization,† (2003). NBER Working Papers 9944, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. demand for business loans. Another factor that contributed to the second quarter drop in interest rates was because of the cut in the Federal Reserve’s discount rate. After midyear, the short-term rate fluctuated in a narrow range, slightly above June lows. By early December, the U. S. Treasury bill rate was 7. 10 percent. This was about one percent lesser than that of 1984. The long-term interest rate also fluctuated in the third quarter; however, in the late of October, it dropped rapidly. The continued drop in long-term rate was because of the low rate of inflation, the signs that showed that the economy would remain sluggish and that monetary policies would not tighten. Interest rates in 1985 were more stable than the most recent years. The rate of fluctuations for short-term rates was within the range of one and one-half-percentage points in the year compared to the three percent points in 1984 and considerably less than 1980-1984 periods. The long-term rates were also stable in 1985 and the rate of fluctuations was between a narrow range that was less than two percentage points. Nominal rates and interest rates were low in 1985 but going by historical standards, there were high. Growths in Monetary Policy in 1985 The growth in monetary policies in 1985 was moderately higher than that of 1984. M1 grew faster than most recent years while M2 grew fastest than in 1984. The growth rate of M3 in 1985 was less than that of 1984. M1, known as money supply grew at an annual rate of 11. 6 percent for the first 11 months of 1985. This is more than twice the growth in 1984. The resurgence in the growth of demand deposit and a rebound in the growth of 6. Diebold, Francis X & Rudebusch, Glenn D, â€Å"Have Postwar Economic Fluctuations Been Stabilized? ,† September 1992. American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 82(4), pages 993-1005. other checkable deposits caused the rapid growth. After exhibiting little growth on balance in the past five years, demand deposit grew to 8. 0 percent rate in the first 11 months of 1985. There was a sharp declination in M1’s turnover in 1985 just as it grew more rapidly than nominal GNP. M2 grew at an annual rate of 8. 6 percent in the first 11 months of 1985. This was somewhat more than that of 1984. In contrast to the growth of M1’s in 1985, M2’ growth was likened to the growth of 1980-1984 periods. Several other components in M2 grew rapidly in 1985 than in 1984. Savings deposit increased in 1985 after contrasting in 1984. Some of the 1985 growths may have come from the expense of small-time deposits. M3 slowed sharply in contrast to M1 and M2 in 1985. M3 grew at an annual rate off 8. 3 percent for the first 11 months of 1985. This is considerably less than that of any recent years. This slow growth was because of the declined growth in large denomination time deposits. Growth of term repurchase agreement and institution-only markets fund were slowed down in 1985. The growth of domestic non-financial debt also slowed in the first 11 months of 1985, growing at a rate of 12. 8 percent, which moderately low than that of 1984. This nonfinancial debt consists of outstanding debts of all governmental units, household, and nonfinancial businesses.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

America’s “New Economy” Essay

â€Å"As the 1900’s gave way to the new millennium, it became increasingly clear that a new era in American (and world) history had begun. The old era had been dominated by the Cold War struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. The new era was defined by the rise of a new global economy†¦the ways in which the world’s peoples lived, worked, and governed themselves. Global communication, trade, and capital flow all grew rapidly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Griffith, Baker 531). The United States rose to being the most powerful military supremacy nation in the world due to Reagan and Bush’s destruction of the Cold War, bridging the 80’s into the new 90’s. George Bush’s CIA and ambassadorial experience provided Americas key to our foreign policy negotiations, aiding in our nations leadership over the world. This defeat and new era caused our domestic and social society within America into a state of confusion and caused Americans to questi on what role they would play in this new society. â€Å"Not only did the Cold War define America’s stance in the world, dictating foreign policy choices from southeast Asia to Latin America; it defined the contours of domestic politics as well,† (Chafe 549). How can we believe now after September 11, that we still or always have had leadership or supremacy in this world? How could the heart of our country be damaged so much affecting our nation as a whole? This recent tragedy damaged the core of our patriotism changing foreign and domestic policy after the 90’s. During the 90’s, a time of new cultural expression and power, the US was willing to use any economic, political, or military force necessary to uphold the new global system. After the Reagan legacy, President Bill Clinton created the â€Å"New Democrats,† which, â€Å"sought to replace the party’s older industrial and agricultural bases with a new, if unwieldy, coalition of women, minorities, social liberals, and technological progressives,† (Griffith/Baker 533). In looking at Chapter 14 in Griffith/Bakers Major Problems in American History Since 1945 and Chapter 16 and the Epilogue in Chafe’s The Unfinished Journey, we will consider the new goals and values of both the US’s domestic and foreign policies, and find that although positive changes have taken place since 1945, the US still is yet to live in a society free of homelessness, poverty, and crime reflected by the tenacious power of race, class, and gender blocking the path toward  independent freedom. Throughout American history, the issue of freedom has always prevailed and equality of everyone wasn’t brought up until the early to mid 1900’s. The peoples dependence and underlying trust within the government to withhold and protect has put our society on a roller coaster of trust, distrust, and betrayal. â€Å"†¦the Nixon presidency and his foreign policy breakthroughs with China and Russia had barely taken hold before the devastating constitutional crisis of Watergate occurred, threatening to undermine the very structure of the American political system and people’s confidence in it. Followed quickly by the nations first defeat in war†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chafe 497). Busch had decided not to respond to much of the conflicts happening with Gorbachev, because if he had, it could have created greater instability, more violence, and a stronger likelihood of counter democratic action, such as the Soviet Union. Busch in causing the two-superpower leaders to arrive at a new arms control treaty that promised the reduction of nuclear weapons arsenals of the world. Busch’s only major error was quickly recovered by quickly becoming Yaltsin’s allies, beginning a new coalition where both world powers would enforce world peace. After â€Å"Desert Storm,† the US entered a prolonged recession causing confusion amongst Americans because Busch didn’t care about domestic policies. Because of Busch’s carelessness of domestic policies, it reflected upon the public not caring about domestic policies nor within the government. The new young light in America was created by the new elections. Clinton bringing a new young light to society during the election of 1992 believed that through the idealism during the sixties were those which should be reflected upon now during the 90’s. Clinton’s ideas were: investing to create new jobs, supporting new technology, rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, and creating a new partnership between management and labor to increase American productivity and competitiveness in world markets. The major political campaigns were advancing with technological advances with campaign’s  portrayed through the amazing new power of talk-show journalism. Ross Perot’s ideals, opposite of Clinton’s, were expressed through talk-show journalism shaping political dialogue and activity. Many talk show hosts provided a direct outlet for politicians to reach the American’s at home through television. The political wars went on and with Clinton winning the democratic election. This allowed Americans to dig themselves out of their deepest problems by re-imagining themselves and fulfilling their dreams. Clinton was faced with issues similar to Franklin Roosevelt, â€Å"†¦in the midst of the Great Depression, they were in many ways far more complicated and intractable, calling upon the same breadth and depth of leadership skills that FDR had deployed in the 1930’s,† (Chafe 512). As one magazine wrote, â€Å"‘what excites people about Clinton, is precisely the degree to which he speaks to their hunger for meaning and purpose, their half conscious and often inchoate desire to transcend the selfishness and meaningless of materialistic and narcissistic society,'† (Chafe 511). Clinton’s gay policy in the war, â€Å"don’t ask, don’t tell,† were looked at as actions profoundly alienating liberals and gays. His next policy, national Healthcare, failed to the Republicans criticizing and ultimately causing his policy to disintegrate. This was Clinton’s down and thought it was over until the American society regained confidence with him when he passed a bill which caused restrictions on free access to handguns and assault weapons. He also created the Americorps, a young group of people volunteering to work among Americas disadvantaged populations. Finally touching up on domestic policies, the American society gained faith in him. The 1994 elections were different and Clinton was on his way to coming back. He wanted to represent a Democratic smaller government. Richard Norris guiding Clinton, made him invulnerable to the issues of high taxes, crime, welfare, federal budget, and affirmative action which Republicans could use against him. Clinton defined positions that would seem reasonable to the middle-class voters and also portray the Republicans as radicals seeking to overturn 60 years of progress and advance his own agenda on issues that cut in his direction such as education, the environment, and women’s rights. Clinton proved to the public that the Republicans mainly Dole was a threat  to the middle class stability, and eventually won the election exclaiming, â€Å"the era of big government is over.† The voters decision was for a divided government,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"not for one party over another. Only by ensuring that one party could balance and counter the other, they seemed to be saying, could the nation be protected from moving too far either toward liberalism and big government on the one hand, or toward conservatism and the end of entitlements on the other,† (Chafe 527). Americans wanted politicians to proceed down a middle path, not straying to either side too far. Although race had been dealt with by the government, it still defined power, control, status, economic opportunity, and freedom. This issue has improved dramatically, but race has always been â€Å"the central theme† to American history. It has been so much misconstrued, â€Å"that the issue of racial discrimination had disappeared as a matter of public concern, convinced that there was no longer a reason to think of blacks and whites as having different life chances†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Chafe 528). Los Angeles embodied most of the multiracial demographic complexity which is where many blacks were suppressed although given still given supposed equal rights opportunities. One example being the AIDS virus. Treatment was available to the suppressed society, but weren’t able to afford the medication. The Rodney King incident was appalling and the only way to describe the verdict was what Chafe wrote, â€Å"It was as though the jury had taken a hallucinogenic drug that altered totally what others saw as reality – and the drug was race,† (Chafe 529). The police officers caught on tape for the beating got off because of whites ruling the jury. O.J. being convicted of murder and having a black jury was pleaded not guilty. Benjamin Barber brings up a point of political futures neither being democratic. â€Å"†¦the forces of Jihad and the forces of McWorld operate with equal strength in opposite directions, the one driven by parochial hatreds, the other by universalizing markets, the one re-creating ancient subnational and ethnic  borders from within, the other making national borders porous from without. They have one thing in common: neither offers much hope to citizens looking for practical ways to govern themselves democratically,† (Griffith/Baker 542). September 11 brought forth something America had never faced before, an attack on our home ground. Since this attack the society has been more conservative, realizing that America is not this leadership nation that watches over the world, but is just as suseptable to attack as anyone else is. This attack has brought all families closer and brought out American patriotism from within. The attack has put American flags on Football players helmets as well as all sports jerseys. What are we supposed to believe from the media, articles saying that information being portrayed to us is false and defying. Although we have gone through a roller coaster of events both ups and downs, America has always recovered and adapted to the changes in front of us. â€Å"The Progressive Policy Institute believes that the latter is true and that the challenge now is to learn how to manage and govern in an era of sustained and constant innovation and adaptation,† (Griffith/Baker 536). The 90’s was a major turning point in America being the end of the old millenium and the start of a new one, allowing us to look at what is needed to be done both in domestic and foreign policy for this world and our society to go on. â€Å"†¦the 1990’s embodied a summing-up of what had occurred in the preceding decades, as if the country were searching to find some way through the maelstrom of conflicting currents to a final sense of direction that might represent a new consensus on how to proceed,† (Chafe 498).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Lorna Dee Cervantes - Feminist Chicana Voice

Lorna Dee Cervantes - Feminist Chicana Voice article edited with additions by  Jone Johnson Lewis Born: 1954 in San FranciscoKnown For: Chicana poetry, feminism, writing that bridges cultures Lorna Dee Cervantes is recognized as a significant voice in feminist and Chicana poetry. In fact, she has referred to her adoption of the label Chicana as a feminist identification within the Chicano movement.   She is critically acclaimed for writing poetry that bridges cultures and explores gender and various points of view. Background Born in San Francisco and raised in San Jose, California, Lorna Dee Cervantes has Mexican and Chumash heritage on her mothers side and Tarascan Indian heritage on her fathers side. When she was born, her family had been in California for several generations; she has called herself indigenous Californian.   She was raised in her maternal grandmothers home, where she discovered books in homes where her mother worked as a domestic worker. Lorna Dee Cervantes became an activist when she was a teenager. She was involved with the Womens Liberation Movement, NOW, the Farm Workers Movement, and the American Indian Movement (AIM), among other causes. Poetry Debut Lorna Dee Cervantes began writing poetry as a teenager and compiled a collection of her poems at age 15. Although her debut poetry collection, Emplumada, was published in 1981, she was a recognized poet before that publication. She participated in the San Jose poetry scene, and in 1974 she read one of her poems at a theater festival performance in Mexico City, which brought her accolades and attention in Mexico. A Rising Chicana Star It was not unusual to hear Chicano/a poetry performed as spoken word, not just consumed as a written medium. Lorna Dee Cervantes was a prominent voice of the rising generation of Chicana writers during the 1970s. In addition to writing and performing poetry, she founded Mango Publications in 1976. She also published a journal called Mango. The heady days of running a small press from the kitchen table led to further involvement with Chicano writers such as Sandra Cisneros, Alberto Rios, and Jimmy Santiago Baca. Womens Experiences Early in her poetry career, Lorna Dee Cervantes reflected on her mother and grandmother in her writing. She contemplated their place in society as women and as Chicana women. Chicana feminists often wrote of the struggles they faced fitting into white society, paralleled with the struggles of gender in society. Lorna Dee Cervantes described Emplumada as a womans coming-of-age and as a rebellion against the male-dominated Chicano movement. She resented being considered disloyal to Chicano social justice ideals when she pointed out sexism in the movement. Poems such as You Cramp My Style Baby directly confront the sexism in Chicano men and how Chicana women were treated as second class. When her mother was killed brutally after Emplumada had been published, she integrated grief and and a strong sense of injustice in her 1991 work. From the Cables of Genocide: Poems of Love and Hunger. Themes of love, hunger, genocide, grief, interweave with her understandings of culture and women, and with a vision of what affirms life. Other Work Lorna Dee Cervantes attended Cal State San Jose and UC Santa Cruz. She was a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder from 1989-2007 and briefly directed the Creative Writing program there. She received multiple prizes and fellowships, including the Lila Wallace Readers Digest Award, the Pushcart Prize, NEA fellowship grants, and the American Book Award for Emplumada. Other books by Lorna Dee Cervantes include   and Drive: The First Quartet (2005). Her work continues to reflect her ideals of social justice, eco-consciousness, and peace.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Learn About Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Halyomorpha halys

Learn About Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Halyomorpha halys I have a peculiar fascination with stink bugs. My affection may be misplaced, however, because some stink bugs are pests of garden plants and fruit trees. One exotic species, the brown marmorated stink bug came to the U.S. recently and the agricultural industry is already on alert. Description: The adult brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, can be confused with other brown stink bugs. To identify this species accurately, examine its antennae for alternating bands of light and dark on the last two segments. Adults are a blotchy brown color, with alternating light and dark markings along the edges of the abdomen. They grow to 17mm in length. In its U.S. range, Halyomorpha halys adults may be observed from spring to September. In the fall, they may invade houses and other structures. Find stink bugs in your home in the fall, and theres a good chance youve got brown marmorated stink bugs. First and second instars appear tick-like, but yellowish or reddish in color. The final three instars (five total) become darker and closer in appearance to the adults. Older nymphs have banded legs and antennae and abdominal markings like adults. Clusters of light green eggs may be found from June to August. If you do find a brown marmorated stink bug, keep the insect in a vial or jar and report the find to your local extension office. This insect has the potential to become a serious agricultural pest, and scientists are tracking its spread. Classification: Kingdom - AnimaliaPhylum - ArthropodaClass - InsectaOrder - HemipteraFamily - PentatomidaeGenus - HalyomorphaSpecies - H. halys Diet: Brown marmorated stink bugs feed on plants by piercing fruits and stems. The long list of host plants favored by this insect makes it a significant agricultural pest if populations get too large. Host plants include a variety of fruit and shade trees, as well as other woody ornamentals and even legumes. Known food sources include pear, peach, apricot, cherry, mulberry, persimmon, and apple trees; Buddleia, honeysuckle, Rosa rugosa, and abelia shrubs; raspberries and grapes; and legumes including soybeans and beans. Life Cycle: The brown marmorated stink bug undergoes incomplete metamorphosis. In the U.S., only a single life cycle occurs per year. However, in its native Asia, five life cycles per year have been observed. As H. halys spreads south, more life cycles per year are likely. Eggs - The female lays barrel-shaped eggs in masses of 25-30, on the undersides of leaves.Nymphs - Nymphs emerge 4-5 days after eggs are laid. Each instar lasts about one week.Adults - Adults fly, and become sexually mature about two weeks after their final molt. The female lays eggs at one-week intervals. She can lay as many as 400 eggs in a season. Special Adaptations and Defenses: Like other cousins in the Pentatomidae family, brown marmorated stink bugs possess glands in the thorax capable of producing malodorous compounds. When handled or crushed, stink bugs release this foul-smelling secretion. Their coloration provides camouflage from predators, such as birds. Habitat: Fruit tree orchards, soybean fields, and other areas where host plants occur, including the home landscape. Range: The brown marmorated stink bug is native to eastern Asia, existing in China, Japan, and Korea. Halyomorpha halys has been detected in 42 U.S. states and several Canadian provinces.   Other Common Names: Yellow-brown stink bug, East Asian stink bug Sources: Regional Pest Alert: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Northeastern IPM CenterBrown Marmorated Stink Bug - A New Exotic Insect in New Jersey, Rutgers Cooperative Extension FS002Brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, University of FloridaBrown Marmorated Stink Bug, Penn state University

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The animal weapons arms race Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The animal weapons arms race - Essay Example The show is called science frantic, and the person hosting the show was Jordan Koski. The guest on the show is Douglas Emlen, who is the author of a book named animal weapons – the evolution battle. Douglas is also a professor of biology and lectures at the University of Montenor. I was amazed to realize that it was possible to conduct researches on the extremeness of animal weapons. Douglas claimed that the research leading to writing his book started with watching clips of animal fights. The professor had keen interest in small animals such as dung battles. He claimed that the weapons carried by small animal were very dangerous considering their body sizes (Science-Friday retrieved from It was interesting to realize that most fights among small animals were all because they needed access to females. Douglas noted that some animals had deadly weapons since they cannot swim fly or run fast to catch their prey. He gives the example of Smilodon, which has 7 inch canine teeth but cannot run after its prey. I was amazed to realize that some animals had to lose certain minerals in their body in order to make their weapons more deadly. He also noted that some species with fierce weapons had stunted testes and small genital organs. Some animals use their fierce weapons to scare away other animals of the same species. It overwhelmed me know that animals with the most vicious weapons fought less and were rarely involved in battles. He discussed an exceptional case where female animals are fiercer than their male counterparts. He said that Jacana females have bigger weapons that than Jacana males since the males take care of the youngness. The females have to fight for access to males, and hence they develop fierce fighting weapons (Science-Friday retrieved from

Friday, November 1, 2019

Extend Definition of Secratary Job in Office Essay

Extend Definition of Secratary Job in Office - Essay Example Historically, the word ‘secretary’ has been derived from a Latin word ‘secernere’ which is a synonym for the English word ‘secret’ (, 2011). Hence, one of the most important duties of a secretary involves handling and managing of classified or confidential information of the office. Who, among us all, can underestimate the role of the secretarial staff at Pentagon or White House! The responsibilities of a company secretary depend upon the size of the firm or company that appoints him/her, the activities undertaken by the company and the expectations of his/her employer(s). Other than that, the basic job of a secretary revolves around documentation, from typing to efficient file keeping and record tracking. Times and again, he/she is asked to record minutes of a meeting and prepare relevant supporting documents to reach to meeting conclusions / decisions. This way, he/she is expected to be both, a fine listener as well as a speedy w riter and typist (Lazary, 1988). The requirements for a secretarial post usually include a typing speed of 70 – 80 WPM (words per minute) and a legible handwriting. Along with that, secretaries are regularly asked to maintain filing systems in a perfectly arranged order. This is important so that the files can be found and accessed easily and quickly, at the time of need. A secretary must be aware of the basic rules filing systems, which include arrangement in accordance to alphabets, numbers, geographic location and subject. Secretaries are also responsible for attending and managing phone calls for their respective employers. During working hours, they are to answer all the calls and must have the clear understanding of which calls need to be dealt by them and which are to be forwarded immediately to their bosses (Lazary, 1988). They should also know what the person on the other side of the cradle will be calling about in case of regular and frequent callers, and must devel op a friendly relationship with them. This is important because they are representing the office on the online and any careless attitude expressed with the calling clients can serve as a blow to the office’s prestige. When it comes to mail reading, it is essential that the secretary is familiar with the standard forms required and used in the office (Macmichael, 2011). For example, if a person wishes to apply for the post of a legal secretary, he/she must have reasonable knowledge of bill, memo, affidavit, mortgage, lease, power of attorney etc. as he / she will not only be using them, but also held responsible for these different documents procurement and supply. Some other commonly assigned tasks include budget allocation, appointments scheduling, travelling arrangements, emails tracking, updating websites etc (Lazary, 1988). In a way, an efficient secretary’s job scope may range from compiling menu for a business lunch to managing corporate level conferencing betwee n business tycoons. The well-trained secretary is an extremely valuable employee to the company if he/she is able to accept the assigned tasks willingly and relieve his/her employer of many management liabilities. Blessed will be the boss whose secretary comes up with the required reference material for the document under discussion. A secretary also has to attend